Shows Ninnescah River and middle and east branches of Clearwater Creek. of 1882 Historical Atlas of Sedgwick County, Kansas. Map of Township 28 South Range 3 West, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Also noted are schools, cemetery, wind mill, roads, residences and other structures, property divisions and names of land owners. Shows Clear Creek, Pole Cat Creek and unnamed creeks. Shows town of Germania and Lamont post office. Map of Township 27 South Range 3 West, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Shows blacksmith shop, sugar factory, walnut tree grove, cave, roads, residences and other structures, property division and names of land owners. Also noted is town of Germania and Magnolia post office. Shows north boundary line of Osage Indian Lands. Map of Township 26 South Range 3 West, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Western boundary labeled as Reno County line. Northern boundary labeled as Harvey County line. Also noted are town of Mount Hope and Fayette post office. Shows Arkansas River, Slough and springs. Shows schools, roads, residences and other structures, blacksmith shop, property divisions and names of land owners. Map of Township 25 South Range 3 West, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Shows stone quarries, wind mill, cattle shed, roads, residences and other structures, property divisions and names of land owners. Also noted in section 11 is "Race Park." Southern boundary labeled Sumner County line. Shows Clearwater and Good River post offices. Shows Ninnescah River, Spring Creek and named fords on Ninnescah River. Map of Township 29 South Range 2 West, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Shows schools, church, stone quarry, springs, blacksmith shop, roads, residences and other structures, property divisions and names of land owners. Shows Dry Creek, Afton Creek, Spring Creek and unnamed creeks.

Map of Township 28 South Range 2 West, Sedgwick County, Kansas.

Images/atlas_access/Saint_Mark.Mount_Center.Germania.47.jpg Hope), Derby, Marshall, Germania, Valley.Ī PDF version is available for downloading and printing. Plat maps of six towns show subdivisions, residences and other structures, property divisions, names of land owners, street names, roads, railroads, cemetery and rivers.Ĭurrent name: Saint Mark (St.

Maps, Saint Mark, Mount Hope, Derby, Marshall, Valley Center and Germania. Special Collections and University Archives, WSU Libraries Historical Atlas of Sedgwick County, Kansas 1 Inch / Marshall Scale 500 Ft - 1 Inch / Valley Center Scale 500 Ft - 1 Inch / Germania Scale 500 Ft - 1 Inch Saint Mark Scale 500 Feet - 1 Inch / Mount Hope Scale 500 Feet - 1 Inch / Derby Scale 500 Ft.